Monday, July 8, 2013

I can't sleep....but glad for a wee bit of joy.

Joy comes at you in surprising ways, often where you least expect it!

Tonight my husband returned after a week of work in South Carolina. I had spent my week working, cleaning closets, and finishing a few projects. It was joyful to be together after 8 nights apart, especially as I was not expecting him for 2 more nights. Now it's 2 a.m. and I cannot fall asleep.

Yesterday I was able to spend the afternoon with a dear friend whose arm was in a cast, who has some major decisions in front of her, and who is stressed, tired, and hurting. Yet as we sat outside with our dogs at our feet, a nice glass of wine in our hands, and a lovely view in front of us, we experienced joy in being together and celebrating friendship.

Today I met with two friends. One asked me travel questions for her upcoming overseas trip - strange as it may seem,  this filled me with joy. I love it when someone asks for my advice about travel! I have so much overseas travel experience and it is a shame not to pass that on to someone. I am also thrilled to see her expanding her wings with her first international adventure. A second friend shared her experiences working with a mutual acquaintance which clarified that I was not losing my mind. Well, I might still be crazy but at least not about this issue. She had the same frustrations working with this person so I could rest easy knowing it wasn't just me. That gave me some joy. Wouldn't you be joyful to know you were not losing your mind!

Last Sunday at our church I took a class that revealed , through a series of interesting exercises, evaluations and tests, what ministry we might be suited for in our church. It was no surprise to me that I have some unusual God-given gifts, according to this process (and many similar evaluations) especially for a woman in a Lutheran church, and I think that once again, the pastoral staff won't know what to do with me. But it gave me joy just to have confirmed that I am not nuts and God has given me gifts to use - and if my church can't use me then maybe God will use me elsewhere. 

On Friday a client going through a very tough time asked to pray with her. It was on government property but I joyfully prayed with her. She left more peaceful and less stressed with a little bit of hope too. 

Joy often comes in the oddest places and times. In spite of continued stresses in my life, most beyond my control, God gave me a few moments of joy....and for that I am really quite joyful.

1 comment:

I appreciate your comments. Thanks for being real.